Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Official: Griese in, Terrorist Out

What was your favorite moment of the Rex Grossman era? For Rex, it would probably be right after Hester took the opening kickoff to the house in Super Bowl XLI. I'm sure he had his big doofus smile in full effect thinking, gee this is great, I don't have to do anything and were winning! For me, that would have to be just minutes ago as Lovie confirmed that which we all found out yesterday. Brian Griese is finally in. Now, I saw Signal 2 Noise's article about his time in Denver, and believe us, we here at Chicago Bull don't see the guy parting the Red Sea. If you look at his career numbers, he has a 9% advantage in the comp. pct. column. That's all we ask for. Someone who can throw the fucking ball at the numbers. Granted, it won't always be the right numbers, but look at this way:

You can't honestly believe that team backed him up anymore. The receivers looked like they were running their routes on a beach instead of grass, and the defense has racked up quite a number of injuries because they knew they couldn't count on Grossman's arm. The season is only 3 games in, so this is the perfect time to abandon ship on the Rexperiment. The NFC north match-ups begin this week, and winning the division is the only thing that should be on the Bears' mind. I honestly hope the guy does well somewhere else. For all his misgivings he meant well. So let's use the standard break-up line and bid adieu to the Sex Cannon. This is not going to work out, but I want still want to be friends though, Rex.

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