Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Way to Go Wednesday

Going into this week's edition of 'Way to Go Wednesday' I thought I would have to really dig deep in order to find the person that win's this week's 'Way to Go - You Jagoff!' award. However, I was wrong - it took all of about 5 seconds and two clicks of my company mouse to find exactly what I was looking for.

So without further adue I bring you this week's negative 'Way to Go!'...You Jagoff!

Stephon Marbury was in court today for the highly publicized Isiah Thomas sexual harassment trial - and he definitely didn't help things. Marbury apparently admitted he had sex with Isiah's accuser and also included some interesting derogatory comments he made to her:
"Yes, I called her a bitch," Marbury said. "I said a lot of different things. I may have said "f--- her.’"

I let it slide when you made comments supporting Mike Vick because I figured you hadn't had your name in the paper for a while and were missing the attention. But apparently you have absolutely no brain at all.

So congratulations Stephon 'Starbury', you are doing a lot of great work to secure your reputation as the biggest waste of talent the NBA has seen since Micheal Ray Richardson.

On a positive note I have some overdue news that I meant to post yesterday but ended up being productive at work (I know what a fucking joke right?). The Chicago White Sox announced yesterday that Manager Ozzie Guillen has signed a 5-year contract extension.

I know many of you (especially White Sox fans) are saying "Are you fucking kidding me?" but I like Ozzie Guillen. There, I said it. The man won the first World Series in Chicago in 88 years in 2005 and took the lowly White Sox from the bastard child of Chicago to the blue-collar badasses that Chicagoans all identify with (except those jackasses on the North Side).

Ozzie owns a 333-297 (.529) in his fourth season as the South Side Skipper. He is also 11-1 in the postseason with the Sox - something no Cub manager can even come close to saying. I think Ozzie has done a good job managing with what he has been given talent-wise. The reason the Sox won the WS in '05 was because they had excellent starting pitching, great speed and timely hitting. General Manager Ken "I fucking hate Scott Boras" Williams has mismanaged this club by trading away speed and good position players for absolute crap (see David Riske).

The 2007 White Sox disaster is not Ozzie Guillen's fault. He can only put the lineup in everyday and hope to manage with what he has on the field and in the dugout/bullpen. Williams is the real jackass here - not Guillen. Way to Go Ozzie Guillen...You're alright with me!

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