Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Doctor's Picks for the Postseason

I'll keep these pretty brief since I have alot to do today. That Colorado-San Diego game certainly didn't disappoint, or at least assuming your not a Padres fan. I thought it was nice too that Holliday got a chance to redeem himself after that terrible read on Brian Giles' fly to left. However, the N.L. Bully still goes to J-Roll. Anyways, here's what I'm thinking:

Rockies vs. Phillies: The Rockies come into Citizens' Ball Park after the emotional win to get them into the playoffs for just the second time in their short history. I'm pretty sure the Phils' players were wanting that game to go at least 4 more innings. In terms of offense, both teams can mash. Both the Rockies and Phillies are in the top five for runs scored, walks and rbi's, top tweleve for hits, average and strikeouts. When you match up the starting staffs, Cole Hamels will have an edge over Jeff Francis although he had a good year. Moyer has a ton of playoff experience, and Adam Eaton has some too from his days in San Diego. The bullpen edge goes to Colorado, but I like Philly in this match-up.

Phillies over Rockies 3-1

Cubs vs. Diamondbacks: Arizona's overall team age is 27, and I'm willing to bet most of these kids haven't seen the postseason yet. The Cubs are actually only a year older, but most of the core of the team has been to the postseason at some point. The starting pitching on both sides is decent, and I think i would give a slight edge to Arizona considering Zambrano has bene unpredictale all year. Lilly is 10-1 in his starts after a Cubs loss, but Doug Davis owns a 2.25 career ERA against the North Siders. However, I think experience does play a key role, and I think the Cubs will prevail in this one. If Soriano stays hot and gets some help from D-Lee who's power numbers were down, I think they take it in 4.

Cubs over D-Backs 3-1

Yankees vs. Indians: This one is where I'm going to go with thoughts rather then my gut. My gut says the Yankees. They'll be able to thrash the Indians bullpen if they can get to it, so 9-12 pitch at-bats are going to be key for the Yanks. However, good pitching can always quiet good offense, and here's why I'm going with the Indians, as much as that pains me as a Sox fan. Although C.C. Sabathia has 1-7 lifetime record against the bombers, he hasn't faced them since 2004, which is when Cleveland sucked. With offense behind him, he and Fausto Carmona could easily get them a 2-0 start. I think this one goes the full five, with Cleveland sending A-Rod (who better have a good first game or the postseason questions will get in his head) home.

Indians over Yankees 3-2

Angels vs. Red Sox: The Red Sox have been my pick to win the World Series this year, and I'm not backing down now. They have the best three starters of all the eight postseason teams, and Big Papi is rediculous with the game on the line. The Angels won't go quickly in this one though; they have the intangables that everyone likes: speed, defense, good baserunning, etc. With that said, I think this one also goes five with Boston moving on.

Red Sox over Angels 3-2

Cubs vs. Phillies: With the Cubs returning to the NLCS for the second time in five years, alot is going to be weighing on them (99 years of bitching). I don't discredit the Philly fans though, they actually might be worse then the Cub fans in terms of brutalness. In the end, I think the Cubs' offense is just too inconsistent. They don't manufacuture runs well, and they have times in which they slump as a whole. Philly could be riding their run from the Mets all the way this year.

Phillies over Cubs 4-2

Red Sox vs. Indians: Both teams have good starters, as I've already mentioned, so for me it comes down to the bullpen. Boston has Okajima, Stanton, and Papelbon. The Indians have Joe Borowski. Enough said.

Red Sox over Indians 4-1

Phillies vs. Red Sox: Thanks to the A.L. again capturing the 2007 All-star game, the BoSox will have home field advantage. This is going to be high scoring series and should be a fun one for even the casual baseball fan. Considering the amount of times the Phillies have come back in games, this one again comes down to whose bullpen can shut it down. Advantage and Series, Boston.

Red Sox over Phillies 4-2

There you have it, your 2007 World Series champs, the Boston Red Sox. I call them like I see them, so you make whatever disputes you want, and if I'm wrong so be it. Noce is going to be pissed when he sees this (Yankees fan); however, just to clarify I dont even like the Red Sox anyways!

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