Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Greg Olsen is no Tom Clancy

More and more athletes are starting to get into blogging these days. Gilbert Arenas' blog is very popular around the blogosphere as he been doing his for for a while now. Some other notable ones include Donovan McNabb, Baron Davis, and Greg Oden. Well, it just so happens that Bears rookie tight end Greg Olsen has one too. Once a week, Olsen gives you his hard-hitting, descriptive comments on's the latest illustrative insight from Olsen:

Beating an undefeated Green Bay Packer team was not only great entertainment for the Chicago fans, but it was great for the team morale. I feel like we were able to showcase our ability not only as an offense but also as a team. Although the first half we did not play up to par, as a team we pulled it together and showed the nation what the Bears are capable of. It was an unbelievable feeling to score my first NFL touchdown, drawing the score within 20-17. Guys on both sides of the ball played well resulting in a 27-20 win over the Packers at Lambeau Field.

Since we gained a lot of momentum in Sunday’s game versus the Packers, we are confident going into another NFC North division game against the Vikings.

We have been practicing hard and have some great plays in the game plan for Sunday. I hope to make some impact plays in front of my parents who are attending this game and a home crowd. The Vikings have multiple weapons, but we are optimistic that if we play similar to our second half against the Packers we will climb back to .500.

WOW. Greg, If you happen to read our site since your blog isn't listed too far from ours on 670, I have a request. GIVE US SOME REAL FUCKING INSIGHT! I could have made that shit up myself for you, or maybe someone did. If you're going to take the time to have a sponsored blog, at least make it worthwhile for that company. Here's some posting topics for you to consider which I as a fan would find interesting to hear about since we'll never truly get to experience what you do:

- How much shit talking do you hear on the field? What's the funniest thing you've heard said to you? Do you still get hazed at this point for being a rookie? Who's the biggest trash talker you've heard, or on the Bears?

- Tell your best football story. High School, The U, whatever. And it can't be getting drafted because that's like asking a father/mother what's their best day..unless your parents absolutely hate you, then it might be different.

- How about moving to Chicago and what you do on your downtime?

Anyone of these topics would make for a somewhat interesting read. I'm not saying you have throw out rediculous opinions like Curt "My viewpoint is better then yours" Schilling, but something. Anything. And if you would like our help, contact us at

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