Tuesday, October 2, 2007

NFL Week Four in Review: Standings and Analysis

Yep, I was an idiot last week with my picks, but luckily not as stupid as some people to the right, here. Haha, that's just hilarious. Anyways, here's a look at the standings as Noce makes his move to the top by three spots after a nice week with the picks. This season has been pretty tough, how is everyone else doing out there? Whenever you get the chance, give us some feedback. Positive or negative, we'd like to hear from you.


Noce: 37-23 (9-5 last week)
Dr. C: 34-26 (5-9 last week)

Individual Performance of the Week: Tony Romo, who I drafted in the fourth round of our fantasy draft has to be the steal of the draft for our league. Tony put up 363 total yards of offense with 4 tds against the hapless Rams. The guy is averaging almost 300 yards per game as well as 3 tds on the year. Since Tony went to EIU and I had friends there during his senior year, I'll share a story with you guys that we always reference when it comes the mention of his name. You see, Tony had a little sidekick of his that followed him everywhere named Chaz. Many time upon going into a bar in Charleston, Chaz would announce Tony's arrival by yelling to the bar, "Hey y'all, Tony Romo's here". I guess one time at a Sigma Pi function, the fall rush was coming up, and Chaz went up to some recruits with this info to get them to go: "Hey y'all, y'all should come to rush, Tony Romo's gonna cook some steaks".

So anytime we hear Tony's name mention, you'll either hear shouted; Hey y'all Tony Romo's cooking steaks, or his famous pick-up heard at Ike's "Yeah, I'm the Quarterback...(motions his right arm)I throw the ball". What a douche!

Most Impressive Team: Every week that's obviously been the Patriots, but I'll go with the Arizona Cardinals. The Steelers had killed everyone they played to this point in the year, and I honestly thought Arizona would have been no different. But the Cardinals' D held Willie Parker to just 37 yards on the ground, and took away the Steelers bread and butter. While the quarterback issue remains, the Cardinals turned in a good game against what looks like a playoff-caliber team.

Least Impressive Team: There were many unimpressive teams this past week (Bears, Eagles, Steelers, Panthers) but I have to send this distinction to the Baltimore Ravens. They couldn't even score a TD against the Browns' D until the fourth quarter. They were never in the game, and with McNair continuing to struggle, it looks like the Ravens could be in trouble.

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