Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tuesday's Lazy Links

Yeah I know, I suck today. Whatever. Since people around the 'sphere have posted some good stuff, and I'm stuck in the middle of busy work and other bullshit, I figured today would be a good day for some linkage. Plus seeing Scarlett on the site is always a plus.

- The Angry T has a video game suggestion that would certainly encourage High School students to get decent grades for what lies ahead of them.

- The Big Lead has some suggestions for who should take over at Sports Illustrated, while Dan Shanoff has already made his choice clear

- Foul Balls is joining my one person bandwagon it appears, and it looks like more people are excited for the Blackhawks finally coming out of the woodworks.

- Nation of Islam Sportsblog is contemplating the real reasons beyond the firing of US Womens' soccer coach Greg Ryan, and when you consider his record there, it's hard not to ponder why.

- Finally, Ghosts of Wayne Fontes does some extra researchlooking at the future of contracts with professional managers/coaches

I'll try and do more tomorrow, but I've only got an hour and a half here, and the Tuesday Night Cricket tourney at the local bar is sounding pretty good to me.

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