Friday, June 20, 2008

Boy Fractures Skull Off Line Drive At Sox Game, Replies "Oww"

I've suffered many injuries in my life. I've broken my left femur as a running back (fuck you Carol Stream Bill George youth football team), broken my ankle, shattered my forehead and nose..the list goes on. However, I have never gotten hit in the head with a line drive. Have I gotten a drive in the back? Yes. That happened last year while we were playing home run derby. Never turn your back to the hitter when shagging balls. But that was a friend of mine who hit me; not a major leaguer.

Enter Griffin Cox (that is not him in the picture to the right, just some other goofball who caught one in the face), a 9 year old from Glen Ellyn in the western suburbs who was at the June 4th White Sox game vs. the Royals:

Griffin, just out of 3rd grade, and seven other members of his Mets baseball team were taken to the game by their coach. They had clustered around the edge of the left field lower deck hoping to snag foul balls. They didn't notice an incoming ball.

Ed Kemp, Griffin's coach, said he saw the ball at the last second. He said it hit Griffin with a loud crack.

"He yelped an 'Ow,' but that was it. He said it just hurt a little bit," Kemp said Thursday. Stadium security directed Kemp and Griffin to the nearby White Sox dugout where catcher Toby Hall picked up the boy and brought him to the trainer. Players were just returning from batting practice and surrounded the boy, Kemp said. A trainer and a nurse found no obvious sign of injury, and sent Griffin back to the seats with signed bats, balls and an ice pack, Kemp said.

After Griffin Cox was hit..., the 9-year-old basically shook it off, continuing to play baseball with his Park District baseball team in Glen Ellyn.

But four days after that June 4 game against the Kansas City Royals, Griffin began vomiting and felt bad, his father said. Visits to Central DuPage Hospital revealed a small fracture on the right side of his skull and a larger one on the left, including a brain fluid leak, his doctor said.

When the ball hit, it made a huge 'crack.' I said 'Oow,' " Griffin recounted.

Holy fuck is that one tough little son of a bitch. Great news is that if they do need to perform surgery on him, it should be low risk and provide a 100% chance of recovery.

Griffin, you are a man among boys. When I broke my leg I screamed like a fat person chained to a post just feet away from an all day barbecue. We wish you a full recovery, and may the story of your scars bring you lots of broads in the near future to come.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Yeah, and tell your mommy and daddy not to sue anyone.

  2. Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
