Friday, July 18, 2008

Chicago Bull Word of the Day

We here at Chicago Bull like to be progressive with our posts. We don't just sit around all day with a bag of weed and some Cheetos throwing darts at a wall with ideas on it, as awesome as that may sound.

So today, I was talking with one of my female co-workers and we were discussing her attraction to older men. This girl is pretty decent looking, but apparently she enjoys the company of men in their mid-30s.

Why? It could be the security that most older men have, or maybe she just enjoys talking about what it was really like in the 1980's without having to watch that awful show in VH1.

Anyway, today I was chatting on our little company version of instant messenger and I inquired about her date last night when I thought of the greatest name for her older gentlemen callers: Manfriend.

Yep, manfriend is officially the inaugural Chicago Bull word of the day. Now if you think we're just going to put up a funny word every Friday and call it a day, you've got another thing coming.

No, we're going to Google that word and post the 1st picture that comes up for all of you to laugh and laugh and laugh. So yes, this horribly gay reenactment of a great Halloween costume inspired by the movie Karate Kid is the first thing that came up when I searched for today's word of the day.

We're going to try to do this every Friday so start sending in some words but DO NOT Google them first because that will take out all the humor of posting them on here.

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