Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cubs Fans, Welcome Kerry Wood Jr.!

He throws his fastball in the upper 90's with ease. He's got a huge K/9IP ratio. But he's been on the DL 6 times since 2005. Thinking about Kerry Wood after this description? Wrong! Look what you've won Chicago, your very own reincarnation of Wood named Rich Harden! Yay!

Harden and Chad Gaudin come to the North Side after parting ways with Matt "the ginger" Murton, Eric Patterson, Sean Gallager and Single A catcher Josh Donaldson.

According to Dave van Dyck from the Tribune, One other scout who watched said Harden has changed since the injuries, throwing "only fastballs and changeups, no sliders or splitters," and that he topped out about 90-92 m.p.h. on the radar gun. Earlier in the year his fastball had been clocked at 94 m.p.h.

Kinda Santana-esque in the fact that he only really throws two pitches, but Harden is no Santana. And he's only throwing in the low 90's, that's not good. Santana is in the 93-95 range, and while it's not a huge difference, every split-second counts.

Harden has had shoulder, elbow, and oblique issues in the past.

I would be cautiously optimistic if I were a Cubs fan. On one hand, you make a statement right back to the Brewers and the rest of the NL Central that you mean business. You get that 2nd starter really need for the postseason.

On the other, Eric Patterson has looked like a hitting machine from what I've seen in a Cubs uniform, and Gallagher has very good stuff. I was never sold on Matt Murton being an everyday starter for the Cubs, so it's good that he gets a chance to do that in Oakland. I don't know anything about the prospect catcher, but I do know that Chad Gaudin has given the Sox fits before in some spot starts.

Just don't expect anything like a Wednesday, May 6th 1998 performance from Harden. He'll give you 5-6 innings every start, and that should be enough to lead to the bullpen.

Speaking of that particular date, you'd swear it was like fucking Kennedy getting shot with Cubs fans' descriptions:

I sitting in my apartment on grace street right off Clark. I had just gotten a thirty pack of Old Style from the Jewel down the street on Southport. It was a warm, beautiful day when number 34, Kid K, earned his nickname. I received 12 phone calls in span of 10 minutes as he piled up the punch outs. It was so magical...

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. Dude,

    Do you actually check your facts? He hit 96 on Sunday against the Sox. As far as Santana, he does not throw in the mid 90's. Yes Harden has some risk, but essentially we traded Gallagher, who was not going to be a star this year, for Harden. Murton and Patterson are marginal at best, and we certainly aren't hurting at the catching position. I think Hendry's record for trades and scouting is pretty good, so lighten up...



  3. Santana definitely reaches 95 on his fastball. I have watched him several times mow down the AL Central. If he not hitting that now, he has in the past, same can be said for Jenks. And by the way, are you seriously judging a fucking tv station gun? Give me a fucking break.

    If I'm wrong, why do both fucking papers agree with me on the fact that's it's high risk, high reward? If it works out, great, Hendry always makes his team competitive. If not, at least he tried. Better for him to do something then sit back and stand still.

    PS: I know you are but what am I?

  4. Oh by the way, in the morning article on from Baseball beat writer Jon Heyman:

    "And Rich Harden looks like a pretty good response from the rival Cubs (although one scout said he's noticed Harden's velocity dipping from 93-97 to 89-91 his last two outings, raising concern about whether he's unsound again)."

    Care to answer back? Dipshit.

  5. Hey, hey, hey what is going on here?!

    /Mr. Belding
