Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Darwinism At It's Finest

SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian man's dare went horribly wrong when he tried to play chicken with cars on a freeway wearing only his underwear. The 18 year old was critically injured after being hit by a four-wheel drive on a freeway in the southern city of Melbourne in the early hours of Wednesday, police said in a statement.

"Police are dismayed at the utter stupidity of a man who decided to play chicken on the Tullamarine Freeway," the statement said.

"It was lucky nobody was killed as a result and police couldn't believe anybody would be foolish enough to take such grave risks with their personal safety and that of other road users." The driver and passenger in the car were unhurt, though the vehicle was a write-off.

No words needed. Just Death.


  1. "It was lucky nobody was killed as a result..."

    Do people in Australia refer to other people as "it" on a regular basis?

    If so, I like Aussies a lot more now.

    It puts the baby kangaroo in the microwave or it gets the hose again...

  2. It serves me my dinner right as I get home or it gets the backhand again

  3. Dad, you remember when you would come home, and you'd be angry? "Well, there might have been one time..". Those angry dinners...and you would get up and scream where is my dinner, bitch? "No that never happened"....Mom....did you ever give dad oral?

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