Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jamar Smith: Too Much Drinky

From Stalkingerinandrews

Jamar Smith turned himself in at the Champaign County Jail early Tuesday afternoon on a warrant for his arrest stemming from a petition to revoke his probation.

Such a waste.

Jamar Smith showed a lot of promise at Illinois, leading the Big Ten in 3-point shooting as a freshman. Now, he’s just a douchebag. What kind of a man (and I use the term loosely) leaves his “friend” to die in a car after a crash? Another female student had to call an ambulance to come rescue Brian Carlwell, but this was after Smith drove the car back to his apartment complex.

Whaaaat? You crash, your “friend” is badly injured, but you drive home and leave him in the car? What a piece of crap!

But, I’m venting on an old story. Jamar Smith violated his probation by drinking alcohol over the weekend. Doesn’t almost killing someone, let alone a teammate and supposed friend, open your eyes?

Doesn’t the threat of losing a promising basketball career make you look at the straight and narrow?

Smith is a crucial part of Illinois' prospects for the next two seasons. The coaching staff and teammates consider him to be the team's best player, and his shooting prowess was sorely missed as Illinois struggled to a 16-19 record last season. If Smith is not allowed to return to the team, the Illini figure to be in for a struggle once again.

So you not only tank your career, but an entire team’s season, just to have a few drinks on the weekend. Brilliant. Technically, he’s not off the team yet, but I fully expect it to happen by the weekend.

Actually, I think I want him off the team. If he’s not going to show any respect or remorse towards the U of I and his teammates, maybe he shouldn’t be there. Even Champaign area fans don’t want him on the team anymore. Good luck, Jamar, and have a nice time in jail, where they will be scoring you by the 3’s.

BallHype: hype it up!


  1. That's what happen when you go to the Leonard Little school of driving.

    Seriously, how fucking stupid do you have to be? If he wants to drink (even though he shouldn't due to the legal issues), why the fuck would you go to the bar? People are going to instantly recognize you, and everyone knows what you did. He could have easily had anyone go and buy him alcohol to drink in his apartment. He deserves to never play again.

  2. Bigger underachiever - Jamar Smith or Rich McBride?

  3. Bigger underachiever - Jamar Smith or Rich McBride?

  4. McBride

    /asking once is enough, thanks!

  5. "What kind of a man (and I use the term loosely) leaves his “friend” to die in a car after a crash?"

    A "man" named Jamar?

    Jus' sayin' is all.
