Thursday, July 3, 2008

What the Hell Am I Doing At Work?

That's the thought I ponder as I sit at my desk. This day is going to be looooong. With that in mind, I'll try to post a few more times today to help you if you're trapped in the same predictament as myself.

I've decided that Keeley Hazell is my new flavor of the week. Previous participants include Jennifer Walcott, Scarlett Johanssen, Lindsay Lohan circa Mean Girls, Lacey Chabert, Jenny McCarthy back in that terrible MTV show Singled Out, and well, the list goes on. If you look at the tags for this post, you will see my coined phrase if only I had a brick. Feel free to use it.

Speaking of hot women, there is nothing better then walking around the city these days with all these hot chicks in tight white or black pants. Please continue this trend, ladies. You're the only reason I wake up in the morning. That and my ringing headache from too many 7 & 7's. If you too are little on the hungover side, take this prescription: 1 or 2 Vitamin Water Revive's, and 2 advil. You'll thank about an hour afterwards.

For the weekend send off song/video, I'm feeling some classic rock is in order. I give you Roundabout by Yes. 8 minutes of groove, and possibly one of the best basslines in a song in the past 36 years.

1 comment:

  1. A brick? Don't they have Roofies in Chicago? Ahhhh, Roofies... or as I used to call them back in the day, "Mr. Clean's Wingman."

    Alan White's drumming was fine on the latter-day Yes stuff, but it's freakin' painful to listen to him try and play Bruford's old parts. Still, your assessment of this tune is dead on.
