Friday, August 15, 2008

Thanks For Winning, Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass On Your Way Out

Did anyone else flash back to Office Space like I just did when I heard the news about Lance Broadway being sent back down to AAA after getting the win yesterday?

Michael Bolton: Peter, you're in deep shit. You were supposed to come in on Saturday. What were you doing?
Peter Gibbons: Michael, I did nothing. I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything that I thought it could be.
Michael Bolton: Yeah well if you keep that up your ass is going be fired.

That's right. Clayton Richard (0-2, 10.38 ERA, 2.23 WHIP) appears to be heading back for an encore on the South Side despite doing his best not earn the promotion (at least for now).

Broadway's numbers from yesterday? 5.1 IP, 5 H, 2 ER, 1 K, 1.24 WHIP). In Richard's three starts, he has:

A. Not gotten past the 5th inning.
B. Not given up less then 4 earned.
C. Given up at least 7 hits.

Broadway did better then him in all three of the listed Alpha above.

"He did a good job, a tremendous job," Guillen said. "Better than we expected. He threw strikes. He came up big in tough situations. He ate up innings. He got the win. What could be better than that? I think this game was big, and he stepped it up and did his job."

So why is he leaving?

"Right now we're in a situation where I have a problem with the bullpen the next few days," Guillen said.

So to correct this problem, you get the worst fucking arm possible? Richard would not be up here if Boonie was so fucked in the head right now, and I would have to believe that Richard will be sent back to Charlotte after the 3 games series to bring Broadway back for what would be his next on Tuesday in Seattle.

Let's hope so. Because this move makes about as much as sense as promoting Peter Gibbons for his fine work.

Back up in your ass with the resurrection.

BallHype: hype it up!

1 comment:

  1. Just a fyi...Unless someone is placed on the DL, Broadway won't be called up to pitch on Tuesday. The rules are there's a 10 day wait between when you can get recalled up so he's stuck in AAA for at least 10 days.
