Friday, September 28, 2007

F-Yeah Friday

What a shitty month September turned out to be for me at work. Coincidence that the first month I start this website, I don't make my sales quota? Fuck yeah it is, calling people in Wisconsin and Iowa sucks! With that in mind, I'm getting fucking bombed tonight because I'm forecasting October to be fucking fabulous. Beer Pong will be the game of choice tonight because if I can't be in college anymore, I might as well live it's finer moments. It's a little late for links, but who the fuck cares. Here's my theme song for next month courtesy of fiddy:

Not a big fan of the 'leader', but I did like the article from Scott Burnside on the Blackhawks new rookies.

This was from yesterday, but With Leather shows you where the college poon is thanks to the exemplorary work from Mac G. Do yourself a favor reintroduce your eyeballs to college coeds.

NFL writer Dan Pompei takes a look at the Bears' options in 2008 for yet another quarterback who will probably last all of seven games.

I caught a couple of innings of the White Sox' 1st-round pick from 2005 Lance Broadway, and he looked really good. However, that's pretty easy to do when you play the Royals in the last week of the season as Sox Machine notes.

Finally, I laughed my ass off reading this one, and I'm going to add their blog to the co-conspirators roll if they can keep coming up with gold like this: 20 NFL Head Coaches alternative jobs if they weren't in football. Jack Del Rio is perfect fucking sales rep.

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