Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tickle me Orange and Blue

The time is 8:04pm and all is well. Illinois and its SuperCoach Ron Zook are 4-1 and upset #21 Penn State 27-20 today in Champaign. Prior to today's game Illinois had not beaten a ranked opponent since November 21st 2001 when the Illini beat THE Ohio State Buckeyes (anyone else think the way jerks from OSU say "the" is more pretentious than anything else in sports?).

This just in: The Fighting Illni are the best team sporting a mascot that doesn't end with an "s" in the country. Prepare to be ranked Illini because pretty much every other team that was supposed to win got beat today. If I were Wisconsin I would start worrying about Illinois right now because we stand a good chance to end your 14-game winning streak next weekend. The Badgers better figure out how to stop freshman phenom Rejus Benn because he is an absolute freak. I am so happy that we were able to get Vontae Davis to come to Illinois because not only is he one of the best cornerbacks in the Big Ten, he went to the same high school as Benn and helped lure him to Champaign.

The next three games for the Illini will be very interesting. Realistically, Illinois could go 2-1 with the one loss probably to Wisconsin next week. That would put them at 6-2 with four games left to go. Can anyone say BOWL Game? I'm officially starting to budget a bowl pilgrimage because I will not miss out on what could be the start to an Orange and Blue dominance in the Big Ten.

Thank you Ron Zook - for putting the lead back into the Illini pencil. You could punch a baby and I'd still say it was the right move.


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  3. "I dont speak Spanish."

    I was telling my Iowa friends that I think Illinois is Iowa circa de 2001-2 and they have something special brewing. Benn is a stud and I love the Iback. Take out the Dirty Badgers please. Ron Zook is out coaching Kirk Ferentz. That hurts to type.
