Friday, October 26, 2007

F-Yeah Friday

Sorry for the no posting today everybody. I was not at work today and my internet was fucked up all day...spent a fabulous time talking with Microsoft support. But problem solved, and it's most likely too little too late. Well, maybe not for you west coasters out there as it's 2:27 in Cali as I write this. So for that case, my quick sports thoughts of the day. I decided not to post about the Bulls injuries in last night's easy 97-81 win, which do worry me, but they're not considered to be anything serious, so hopefully everyone will be ready for tuesday's night match-up with the Nets.

Matt Holliday is a complete jackass, and was obviously impressed with himself and his four hits, becuase I dont know how you lean that far off the bag with two outs in the eighth. He cost them that game. Maybe Helton pops or groundouts, but that killed them right completely. I hope they can sweep the home series, but I doubt that's going to happen. Oh well, I picked Boston at the beginning of the year, and while I would have much rather been proven wrong, it appears I might be right.

As for my weekend plans, The Dr. will be in full gear as Inspector Gadget; yes, that's right. YAWZORS! I can't wait to bust that one out completely shit faced. Took me fucking forever to get my little hat-helicopter action going, but in the end I only spent 6 bucks, so that's pretty damn good, and it looks decent enough. In all, 2 kegs at the party in A-Town I'm going to tonight, and 1 to start things off in Wrigleyville tomorrow night. Halloween: Booze and drunk girls dressed like sluts. If only heaven is like this everyday, I'll be a happy man on the other side of the gate.

To send you off, the first song that ever got me into Pantera. I listen to everything when it comes to music except Country. Fuck that shit. Metal, alternative, rap, jazz. That's how the doctor rolls. Get shitfaced this weekend and stay out of jail you crazy fuckers, I'll see you on the flipside.

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