Thursday, October 25, 2007

Luol Deng Sets The Bar For Chicago Ahtlete Bloggers

That means you, Olsen. I didn't realize Luol Deng just joined the blogging ranks until I was on checking their upcoming schedule to start the new season. He's only two posts in, and he's already giving Olsen's blog the bird. Here's a sample from his post this past Tuesday:

My Basketball Inspiration(s)
I started playing basketball when I was seven, but basketball was never really serious until I was about 12. I obviously looked up to Michael Jordan. Everybody knew about Michael Jordan and the things he did were just amazing, but I also followed players like Grant Hill. I tried to be like Grant. I’m not Grant, but I try to do some of the stuff he did. Being a similar height as Grant, it really helped me out and now I play the same position. Then I looked at guys like Hakeem Olajuwon just because of the things he did on the court. It wasn’t just shooting or jumping, it was the footwork and overall skills. I watched Allan Houston a little bit with his midrange game and jumpshooting game, which I thought was unbelievable. I always try to look at players that are very skilled and try to follow them.

Look at that. Insight, depth, what he did growing up becoming a professional athlete. That's what a real fucking athlete blog should look like. Here's some of the rousing stuff Olsen came up with recently, and I'll keep short since it makes me want to eat chrolox bleach:

The game started out well as we took a 7-0 lead after another great play by Devin. After they answered we went ahead again 14-7. We could not hold on to the lead. We fought back with a few minutes left to tie the game at 31. When that field goal snuck over the cross bar it was like a kick in the stomach. We fought our hearts out to get back in the game but the vikings made plays and deserve credit.'s like his 7-year old cousin billy is writing for him while practicing sentence structure at 10:20 before recess.

Greg Olsen, the bar has been set. Will you try to reach what Luol's got or will keep coming up with Grossman-like efforts? We'll see.


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