Friday, April 25, 2008

Bank on It: Bulls Will Sign Larry Brown

(Bulls, You are my Rock of Love)

With Larry Brown resigning as the 76'ers Philadelphia's executive vice president Thursday despite the team still being in the playoffs, make no doubt about it this is who John Paxson should get to run the Bulls. And Larry feels the same, hence him leaving the organization at this point. The only the vacancies to this point are complete garbage, and would take a while to turn around. The Bulls? Only a season removed from 49 wins and a second round playoff exit. To me, Brown wants in now so he can start molding the team as he sees fit to run his offense.

Honestly, there's no better coaching option out there then Brown, and his resume which I documented earlier shows that. I think both sides need each other as well. The Bulls need someone who has creditibility that can instantly earn the players respect. Boylan the Band-Aid aka Nikita Khrushchev came in trying to be a positive priscilla as opposed to the Skiles Negative Nancy act, and in return had Tyrus Thomas skipping practice when he felt like it and Duhon flying off to Durham without saying a word to anybody. There was too much lack of confidence in the team as a whole, which all started with the coaching staff. The defense that grinded down opponents became a lazy who gives a shit if we lose reoccurance. The Bulls need someone who can balance both personalities, and Brown's shown the ability to do that.

For Brown, being outsed in the Shithole of a situation that was and is still the Knicks is not how he obviously wanted to go out. With the Bulls, he'll get to exact a little revenge on his past two coaching stops as well as be in an ideal situation with backing from Pax to do things his way. While I dont think they have the current pieces in place to contend with the Celtics or Detroit, they're still much younger then both of those teams, and with the right personnel could get to the Eastern Conference Finals within a 3 year span. I know that's hard to imagine given how fucking awful they were, but the elements of a winning team still exist.

The Bulls would have to be stupid not to sign Brown, and Brown would be stupid to think that he can change Miami, Memphis or Charlotte. This is a win-win situation. Paxson, don't fuck this up.

BallHype: hype it up!

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