Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Greenstein: North close to joining WLS

Continuing from our previous post on ChicagoBull's favorite morning loudmouth, Teddy Greenstein is reporting today that Mike North is close to agreeing to a deal with WLS-AM 890.

WLS-AM 890 is on the verge of tendering an offer to former WSCR-AM 670 morning man Mike North, according to an industry source. But the source said North, with his eyes on another potential deal, might decline it.

The morning slot at WLS has been occupied by "Don Wade & Roma" since 1985. The hosts' contracts are up in November.

I tried checking the Sun-Times to see if they have dug up anything but at usual, they've got nothing but another column from that asshat Jay Mariotti. Will someone please tell me who reads his columns? I'd like to meet some Mariotti fans - if there are any - and ask them a few questions.

Anyway - back to North. I checked on his website and there was no news of his move over to WLS so I guess we'll just have to play the waiting game.

I hope he finds somewhere soon - and I wonder if the show will stay the same as it was on WSCR. As long as Jen Jen is still there, I'll be a happy man.
Lets end this one on a high note - Jen Patterson ladies and gentlemen.

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