It's time for the weekly installment of 'Way to Go Wednesday' and since I'm between jobs and currently sitting on my ass watching 'Independence Day' I guess I'll do something productive. This week's WTGW is devoted to thrill-seeking retards and old sweaty Italian quarterbacks. Let's get this party started shall we?
Props to With Leather for posting the story about Travis Pastrana skydiving without a parachute. Yea you read that correctly. The dumb son-of-a-bitch really jumped out of a fucking plane at 12,500 feet over Puerto Rico wearing just shorts and holding a Red Bull. Two other professionally-trained sky-divers then jumped out and, after a couple minutes of free-falling, hooked onto a harness Pastrana had on under his shorts and they landed safely on the beach. His life was in their hands, man.
Now I know everyone has the right to get their kicks however they choose but seriously man what is wrong with you? There are plenty of alternatives if you want to feel a rush that aren't life-threatening. I'm sure Pastrana is rich enough to have sex with as many hot models as he wants - how about trying that out for a while Travis?

For being a total and complete fuck-head Travis Pastrana you win this week's Way to Go Wednesday...you idiot!
In other news, the #1 pick of the 1987 NFL Draft has been spotted wearing a Carolina Panthers uniform throwing passes. That's right, Vinny Testaverde is back! The season-ending injury to gumbo-eating Jake Delhomme has forced Carolina to sign the 43-year-old guido to a one-year-deal.

Good for you Vinny - I loved you in New England and I'm happy that I'll be able to watch you hold a clipboard on Sundays for the Panthers. Testaverde gives hope to all 6'5 quarterbacks who aren't good enough to start - you too can make a living as a backup in the NFL. Way to Go Vinny! You rock.
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